Dr. Ruth – Otolaryngology

Thyroid Cancer: “Friendly” or Aggressive?

Receiving a diagnosis of thyroid cancer can stir up a multitude of emotions in our patients, from uncertainty and denial to shock and sorrow, along with ambiguous thoughts about the future. Despite this whirlwind of emotions, it is important to stop panicking, and understand first what is thyroid cancer, as it spans from benign to aggressive forms. In this blog, your ENT doctor in Palawan will discuss the types of thyroid cancer and hopefully enlighten the reader about this diagnosis

The Spectrum of Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer exists on a spectrum, with some cases exhibiting a more indolent, or “friendly,” behavior, while others are characterized by There are four main types of thyroid cancer : papillary, follicular, medullary, and anaplastic thyroid cancer.

thyroid cancer papillary thyroidectomy with paratracheal lymph nodes ENT palawan

Picture on the Left:

Total Thyroidectomy done for a case of a papillary thyroid cancer by Dr Ruth Estimar. 

note the surrounding paratracheal lymph nodes near the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the parathyroid glands

The “Relatively Friendly” Types

Differentiated thyroid cancers, such as papillary and follicular thyroid cancer, often fall on the more favorable side of the spectrum. These types are considered less aggressive and generally have a good prognosis when detected early and treated appropriately. However, just because these are “relatively friendly” does not mean that you can delay the recommended treatment. It only means that if the patient are diagnosed with these subtypes of thyroid cancer have completed the recommended treatment, and follow up for monitoring regularly, their chances of a long life is very high. 

Aggressive Forms of Thyroid Cancer

Conversely, there are aggressive forms of thyroid cancer, such as anaplastic thyroid cancer and medullary thyroid cancer. They typically present with poorer prognosis and shorter life expectancies, particularly in advanced stages. These types may present more challenges in terms of treatment and prognosis. Early detection and intervention become even more critical in these cases.

Picture on the Right:

Total Thyroidectomy done by Dr Ruth Estimar for a case of Anaplastic thyroid cancer. note the large thyroid mass with whitish calcified areas. the great vessels of the neck (carotid and jugulars are being pushed backwards by the cancer)

anaplastic thyroid cancer thyroidectomy- ENT surgeon Palawan

How can an ENT Surgeon help you with your cancer diagnosis?

ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) surgeons play an important role in the management of thyroid cancer. They are specialists in head and neck surgery, making them well-equipped to address thyroid-related issues. Working hand in hand with your endocrinologist, your ENT surgeon may advise you to undergo a thyroidectomy, which is a common surgical procedure for treating thyroid cancer.

Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches

Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches:

Treatment approaches for thyroid cancer may include the following: 

1.  Thyroid Surgery 

Thyroid surgery may be the removal of 1 or both lobes of the thyroid gland. For more details, please read this blog.

2. Radioactive Iodine Therapy 

Radioactive iodine is absorbed by thyroid cells, including cancerous ones, because the thyroid naturally collects iodine. Once absorbed, the radiation from the iodine damages and destroys the cancerous cells, helping to treat thyroid cancer.

3. Radiotherapy 

Radiotherapy treats cancer using high-energy radiation beams to shrink tumors and kill cancer cells. It’s like using powerful X-rays to target and destroy cancerous growths in the body.

4. Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy 

Chemotherapy fights cancer with drugs that kill fast-growing cells, while immunotherapy helps the body’s own defenses to stop and destroy cancer cells.

The choice of treatment depends on factors such as the type and stage of cancer, how far it has spread in the body, as well as the patient’s overall health. A comprehensive evaluation by an ENT surgeon and an endocrinologist is crucial to determine the most suitable treatment plan.

The Importance of Early Detection

Regular check-ups and awareness of thyroid health are essential for early detection of thyroid cancer. Routine screenings, done by an ENT doctor, especially for individuals at higher risk, can contribute to identifying potential issues before they become more challenging to manage.

In navigating thyroid cancer, understanding its spectrum from friendly to aggressive is crucial. Prompt consultation with an ENT surgeon knowledgeable in thyroid cancer treatment also help patients receive personalized care and tailored treatment strategies. 


Experience expert ENT surgical care tailored to your needs.

Book now to schedule your appointment with a skilled ENT surgeon near you and take the first step towards a healthier you. 

Your well-being is our top priority.

Dr Ruth Estimar ENT doctor ENT surgeon Puerto Princesa Palawan

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