Did you know that your tonsil health can affect your heart?

Tonsillitis is an infection of your tonsils that, if untreated, may lead to harmful complications like heart disease. Make sure to consult with your ENT Doctor (Palawan) if you have throat pain that does not go away.

ENT Surgeon, tonsillitis, tonsillectomy, heart, rheumatic heart disease, tonsillitis complications

What are your Tonsils?

Your (palatine) tonsils are a pair of oval shaped tissues at the back of your throat which are part of your immune system (lymphoid tissues). The palatine tonsils are actually part of a protective circle known as Waldeyer’s ring of Lymphoid tissues. These are found behind the nose (adenoids), behind the throat, and at the base of the tongue.

The tonsils have an important role in defense against infections. They are the “Frontliners” in clearing and trapping germs coming from the nose and mouth,as well as producing antibodies to fight infections.

However, in the process, they may get overwhelmed fighting bacteria and viruses, and as a result, they get enlarged and inflamed. this is known as tonsillitis.


Will Tonsillitis Go Away On Its Own?

Most tonsillitis cases are caused by viruses and go away within 3-5 days. However, more severe causes of tonsillitis may be caused by bacteria, such as the streptococcus bacteria, which usually needs consult with an ENT doctor and antibiotic treatment.

Strep throat that is not properly treated may lead to worse complications such as rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. Rheumatic fever (RF) is the result of a faulty response of the immune system to Strep bacteria. 

Strep bacteria contains a protein that is similar to one found in tissues in the body such as those in the heart, the joints, and the brain. The body usually produces antibodies to attack bacteria. However, in RF,  instead of producing antibodies to the bacteria, the antibodies instead attack the wrong target: the body’s own tissues. This results in symptoms such as fever, painful and swollen joints, and sometimes shortness of breath. 

Why Bacterial Tonsillitis Should Be Treated?

Repeated strep throat weakens the valves of the heart, these valves serve as doors which open and close when the heart pumps out blood from one chamber to another. The heart muscles may also be weakened and scarred with repeated inflammation, resulting in inefficiency in pumping out blood.

This is called rheumatic heart disease. This then causes the heart to double its effort in doing its work, and eventually result in an irregular heartbeat, heart enlargement, and heart failure later in life.

The only way to prevent rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease is with early detection and proper antibiotic treatment of bacterial tonsillitis.

ENT Surgeon, tonsillitis, tonsillectomy, heart, rheumatic heart disease, tonsillitis complications

Remember to consult with your ENT doctor when your throat pain does not go away in 3-5 days and complete the prescribed treatment to avoid life-threatening complications. To know more about tonsillitis, please read this blog.

Say goodbye to ear, nose, and throat discomfort with expert ENT care near you. 

Book now to schedule your appointment with our experienced ENT doctor and start feeling better today. 

Your health is our priority.

Dr Ruth Estimar ENT doctor ENT surgeon Puerto Princesa Palawan