Dr. Ruth – Otolaryngology

What is your Thyroid Gland and Why is it Important?

Understanding the thyroid gland is important prior to undergoing thyroid surgery. In this blog, an ENT- thyroid surgeon will discuss the thyroid gland anatomy, function , and its importance.

What is the Thyroid Gland?

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland in front of your neck. It is located under the Adam’s apple (the thyroid cartilage), and in front of the windpipe (the tracheal rings). It consists of 2 lobes, the left and the right lobe (imagine the 2 wings of the butterfly) and the isthmus which connects the 2 lobes (imagine the body of the butterfly)

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Where is the thyroid gland?

Anatomically, the thyroid gland lies very close to important structures in the neck. As noted above, it lies below the Adam’s apple, which protects the voice box and other cartilages and muscles which are important for speech. Deeper to the right and left lobes of the thyroid runs the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which is the nerve supply to the vocal cords. The thyroid also lies in front of the windpipe which carries air from the mouth to the lungs. The windpipe, in turn, lies in front of the esophagus which carries food from the mouth to the stomach.

On the underside of the thyroid gland also lies another set of small but vital endocrine glands: the pararthyroid glands. These glands are important for the control of calcium in the bloodstream and in the tissues. Calcium is a very important electrolyte or chemical which dictates the muscles and nerves to function. Precise levels of calcium are important because too high or too low levels may cause the muscles, nerves, bones, kidneys, brain and heart to malfunction. These are closely monitored after thyroidectomy is done.  (read: How safe is a thyroidectomy)

These anatomic relationships are very important when considering thyroid surgery.

Why is the thyroid important?

The thyroid gland is a very important endocrine gland because it releases hormones that are vital to all of the body’s functions. It plays a big role in the metabolism (the consumption of energy by our body cells), growth and development of the human body.

Every cell in the body relies on the thyroid hormones for the regulation of their cell functions and processes. Any fluctuation in the thyroid hormone levels results in an effect in the speed by which the body cells convert the food consumed into energy. Hence, when the thyroid is not working properly, the entire body may be affected.

Many thyroid disorders may result in abnormalities in the thyroid functions. Hyperthyroidism is a disorder where there are too many thyroid hormones circulating in the body; this may result in symptoms such as easily being tired, palpitations, tremors, increased sweating and weight loss. Hypothyroidism, on the other hand, is having too few thyroid hormones in the body, resulting in low energy, brain fog and forgetfulness.

In summary, the thyroid gland is a very important hormone gland located in front of your neck. It lies close to important structures in the neck for speaking, swallowing and breathing. It also plays an vital role in all the body cells functions. If you feel that you have any of the above symptoms, or you notice any swelling in the front of your neck, it is important to consult with an ENT-surgeon to have your thyroid checked.

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Dr Ruth Estimar ENT doctor ENT surgeon Puerto Princesa Palawan

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